MacWorld 1998 June
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252 lines
Example applet of Conway's Life.
©1996 Peter N Lewis <peter@stairways.com.au>
Written for Metrowerks
Feel free to use this source code in any way.
package au.com.peter.example;
import java.awt.*;
import java.applet.Applet;
public class Life extends Applet
public void init()
Board p;
Checkbox c;
setLayout( new BorderLayout() );
c = new Checkbox( "Running" );
c.setState( true );
add( "North", c );
p = new Board( 10, 10, 100, 100, c);
add( "Center", p );
resize(300, 300);
} // end init()
public static void main(String args[])
com.metrowerks.AppletFrame.startApplet("au.com.peter.example.Life", "Life", args);
class Board extends Canvas implements Runnable {
int x_max, y_max;
Checkbox running;
boolean board[][];
private boolean temp_board[][];
public Board( int x_max, int y_max, int x_size, int y_size, Checkbox running ) {
this.x_max = x_max;
this.y_max = y_max;
this.board = new boolean[x_max][y_max];
this.temp_board = new boolean[x_max][y_max];
this.running = running;
this.board[2][2] = true;
this.board[2][3] = true;
this.board[2][4] = true;
this.board[1][4] = true;
this.board[0][3] = true;
resize( x_size, y_size );
private int XtoCell( int x ) {
int x_total = bounds().width+1;
return x * x_max / x_total;
private int YtoCell( int y ) {
int y_total = bounds().height+1;
return y * y_max / y_total;
private void PaintCell( Graphics g, Rectangle b, int x, int y ) {
int x_total = b.width -1;
int y_total = b.height -1;
int left, right, top, bottom, width, height;
left = x * x_total / x_max;
right = (x+1) * x_total / x_max;
width = right - left;
top = y * y_total / y_max;
bottom = (y+1) * y_total / y_max;
height = bottom - top;
if ( board[x][y] ) {
g.fillRect(left, top, width, height);
} else {
g.drawRect(left, top, width, height);
g.clearRect(left+1, top+1, width-1, height-1);
private void PaintCell( int x, int y ) {
Graphics g = getGraphics();
if ( g != null ) {
PaintCell( g, bounds(), x, y );
public void paint( Graphics g ) {
Rectangle b = bounds();
for ( int y = 0; y < y_max; y++ ) {
for ( int x = 0; x < x_max; x++ ) {
PaintCell( g, b, x, y );
boolean dragging = false;
public synchronized void Propagate() {
if ( dragging ) {
for ( int y = 0; y < y_max; y++ ) {
for ( int x = 0; x < x_max; x++ ) {
int sum = 0;
for ( int dy = -1; dy <= 1; dy++ ) {
for ( int dx = -1; dx <= 1; dx++ ) {
if ( dx != 0 || dy != 0 ) {
int tx = x + dx;
int ty = y + dy;
if ( tx < 0 ) {
tx = x_max - 1;
if ( tx >= x_max ) {
tx = 0;
if ( ty < 0 ) {
ty = y_max - 1;
if ( ty >= y_max ) {
ty = 0;
if ( board[tx][ty] ) {
if ( board[x][y] && ((sum<2) || (sum>=4)) ) {
temp_board[x][y] = false;
} else if ( !board[x][y] && sum==3 ) {
temp_board[x][y] = true;
} else {
temp_board[x][y] = board[x][y];
Graphics g = getGraphics();
Rectangle b = bounds();
if ( g != null ) {
for ( int y = 0; y < y_max; y++ ) {
for ( int x = 0; x < x_max; x++ ) {
if ( temp_board[x][y] != board[x][y] ) {
board[x][y] = temp_board[x][y];
PaintCell( g, b, x, y );
int drag_x;
int drag_y;
boolean inside;
private void CheckInside( int x, int y ) {
int tmp_x = XtoCell( x );
int tmp_y = YtoCell( y );
boolean tmp_inside = (tmp_x == drag_x) && (tmp_y == drag_y);
if ( tmp_inside != inside ) {
inside = tmp_inside;
board[drag_x][drag_y] = !board[drag_x][drag_y];
PaintCell( drag_x, drag_y );
public boolean mouseDown( Event e, int x, int y ) {
drag_x = XtoCell( x );
drag_y = YtoCell( y );
dragging = (0 <= drag_x) && (drag_x < x_max) && (0 <= drag_y) && (drag_y < y_max);
if ( dragging ) {
synchronized ( this ) {
inside = true;
board[drag_x][drag_y] = !board[drag_x][drag_y];
PaintCell( drag_x, drag_y );
return true;
public boolean mouseUp( Event e, int x, int y ) {
if ( dragging ) {
CheckInside( x, y );
dragging = false;
return true;
public boolean mouseDrag( Event e, int x, int y ) {
if ( dragging ) {
CheckInside( x, y );
return true;
Thread thread = null;
public void start() {
if ( thread == null ) {
thread = new Thread( this );
public void stop() {
if ( thread != null && thread.isAlive() ) {
thread = null;
public void run() {
while (true) {
try { Thread.sleep(25); } catch (InterruptedException e){};
if ( isVisible() && running.getState() ) {